We went off to Maracas Bay for a bit of a break on Saturday. After a quick trip to PriceSmart (the local Costco) to buy a new microwave for the office, we drove up to Maracas. The rain had started but the weather can often be very different on the other side of the Northern Range so we continued on to Maracas.
When we got there, the rain had stopped but there were dark clouds off in the distance. We lasted about an hour when the rains came. We packed up our stuff and drove back to town. While were at Maracas, Port of Spain got hammered by a huge rain storm.
The rains had left quite a mark on parts of the the city.
This is a 15 ft wall that was built just 6 months ago along the back of the Country Club (an old club owned by our neighbor).
The flood waters from the rains pushed the wall over onto the road. It happened maybe 30 minutes before we drove by. A bridge near our apartment was damaged resulting in gridlock that took us 90 minutes to drive what usually takes 10 minutes.
Along the way, there were stalled cars that had gotten flooded out and lots of folks out inspecting the damage. Locals said they hadnt seen flood damage like this in 35 years. As we drove past the collapsed wall, the streets had water running across them.
This is the access to the parking lot of an RBC bank. The security guard is there to prevent anyone from driving in to use the ATM. The parking lot had over 2 ft of water in it.